How a Humidifier can Help your Child’s Dry Skin

How a Humidifier can Help your Child’s Dry Skin

A humidifier is an indoor fan unit that circulates water vapor into the air. With humid air circulating through a room (especially a bedroom), your body can absorb some of that moisture into your skin, nasal passages and throat to keep you healthy and feeling great.

Dry skin… sensitive skin… keratosis pilaris skin… eczema skin… All types of skin can benefit from added moisture. And an added bonus? No clogged pores.

How a humidifier can help your child's dry skin |

How can a humidifier help my child’s dry skin?

Modern air conditioning and heating systems in homes are designed to produce drier air to keep our homes comfortable through the changing seasons. However, these systems remove some of the much-needed moisture in the air that dry, sensitive skin sufferers desperately need, including those with keratosis pilaris.

Your skin is your body’s largest organ and it absorbs what’s in the air around it. By using a humidifier on a regular basis, you’ll likely notice that your skin will feel less dry and tight, less itching around irritated skin from keratosis pilaris or eczema, and less peeling from sensitive sunburned skin (always a plus). Your pores won’t get clogged and you’ll likely breathe easier.


RELATED:   Our Top Pick for a Gentler Sunscreen


Which humidifier should I choose?

Our top humidifier pick is the Honeywell Germ-Free Cool Mist Humidifier. With 3 settings to control the moisture output in the room, it’s an incredibly quiet humidifier (and we’ve had several loud ones in our arsenal) and ideal for use in a child’s bedroom while they sleep or nap. It can effectively cover any medium-size room, which is perfect for bedrooms with sleeping babies.

Honeywell Germ-Free Cool Mist Humidifier


The Honeywell Humidifier produces a soothing cool mist, meaning that the water vapor it puts out is cool to the skin and not heated or warm (like this best-selling warm mist model). If you’re using a humidifier in a child’s bedroom, especially younger children, opt for a cool mist humidifier to avoid any contact with a warm unit.

This barely-noticeable mist in the air can help improve the feel of your skin by adding back in much-needed moisture, which is key to healthy skin.

It has a large-capacity 2-gallon tank and once you’ve filled it with water, the humidifier can run for about 24 hours on the lowest setting (not that you’d need it on all day, but good to know).

RELATED: Recommended Products for Toddlers with KP: 2 – 4 years


What makes this humidifier so great?

One of the best features of this Honeywell Humidifier is that it uses UV technology to help kill up to 99.9% of any bacteria, mold and fungus that may be in the water. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want any mold or mildew collecting or growing in my humidifier, nor do I want it being circulated in the air I’m breathing.

So for me, this UV technology is a HUGE plus. Clean air for the win.

Why humidification is important |

image via Amazon

The Honeywell Humidifier is easy to clean with dishwasher-safe parts (another HUGE plus in my book) and antimicrobial replacement filters are available for about $8.

After using our humidifier in our home for unusually dry seasons like Winter, we’ve come to appreciate how a little extra humidity in the air can really make our skin feel better. We’re noticing less itchiness from our extremely-sensitive skin son (11 yrs old) and his allergy congestion seems much-improved too.


Humidifier – 1.  Dry skin – 0.



Do you use a humidifier in your home? How does it help your skin?



To learn more about the Honeywell Germ-Free Cool Mist Humidifier (and check the reviews), click here.


Posted by kpkids in Living with Keratosis Pilaris, Recommended Products to Treat Keratosis Pilaris
How this $10 Lotion has Improved my Kids’ Keratosis Pilaris

How this $10 Lotion has Improved my Kids’ Keratosis Pilaris

How this $10 Lotion Dramatically Improved my Kids' Keratosis Pilaris |

After having three children in nine years, each with their own sensitive skin issues, I began to believe that I had tried every product, treatment and method available to clear up my kids’ skin (maybe not all, but close). Our children have dealt with keratosis pilaris, eczema, lichen striatus and extremely dry skin for years and finding a solution has been been exhausting. So when I found a lotion that made a noticeable difference, I just had to share it with you.

What we’ve been trying…

Keeping their skin healthy, moisturized and smooth has been an uphill battle during their early years and we’ve certainly tried our fair share of drugstore and prescription treatments, scrub mitts and brushes, and diet changes. While we have found a few favorite products that have brought some improvement to the appearance and feel of their skin, like Buf-Puf Reusable Facial Sponges and the Clarisonic Cleansing Brush, these products require some gentle exfoliation and scrubbing of their skin (which at times can already be irritated).

And when you’re dealing with a skin problem that usually affects half their body, the process of exfoliating their entire body (or yours, if you’re a KP sufferer too) can be time-consuming for those with “chicken skin”. But there’s hope. We’ve begun using a lotion every day in our home that is making a huge difference in the look, feel and health of our kids’ skin.


So what has made the biggest difference?

Fast-forward 3 months of (almost) daily use of our new favorite lotion, CeraVé Renewing SA Lotion, and I’m really liking the results that I see.

My pre-teen daughter’s keratosis pilaris is barely noticeable, my sports-loving son’s skin looks healthier (considering all the sweaty games and numerous showers he needs), and my toddler daughter’s skin looks and feels as smooth as the day she was born. Not only does that make ME happy… but having good skin makes THEM happy. #winning

CeraVé Renewing SA Lotion |


CeraVé Renewing SA Lotion contains salicylic acid to loosen and release those dead skin cells, and hyaluronic acid to draw in and retain moisture for longer. It has a light feel to it without being greasy (which kids hate, by the way) and it absorbs quickly (always a bonus, if you’re trying to dress a toddler).

This $10 lotion is our new go-to moisturizer that I have stashed in every bathroom. We use it (almost) daily to keep the kids’ skin smooth and soft, especially in those extremely dry, rough skin patches like the upper arms, thighs and cheeks.

This could honestly be the best thing that has happened to their “bumpy” arms and legs ever. Happy kids = happy mama.


CeraVé Renewing SA Lotion, $10

See more KP products we use in our home.


Looking for more product recommendations?

Click to see our list of parent-approved solutions!
Posted by kpkids in Living with Keratosis Pilaris, Recommended Products to Treat Keratosis Pilaris
If I have it, will my child develop Keratosis Pilaris?

If I have it, will my child develop Keratosis Pilaris?

Recent dermatological surveys tell us that over 40% of the population has some form of keratosis pilaris. Many adults with keratosis pilaris often wonder about the possibility of their children developing the same skin condition.

If I Have Keratosis Pilaris, Will my Kids Have KP too? |

While keratosis pilaris is commonly thought to be a genetic skin disorder, not all children will inherit this skin condition from their parents. Other factors may contribute to the genetic component, like seasonal allergies, food allergies and some dietary conditions.

However, your child is more likely to develop keratosis pilaris if they have any of the following:

  • Close blood relatives who have keratosis pilaris
  • Asthma
  • Dry skin
  • Eczema
  • Hay fever

If the bumps on your child’s skin bother them (or you), applying one of the following treatments can help reduce the itchiness and visibly reduce the appearance of the redness or white bumps.

  • Ammonium lactate cream or lotion (12%): Apply it as directed by your dermatologist. The most common brand is AmLactin.
  • A moisturizer: A cream or ointment works best. Apply it after bathing and gently massage it into the skin with keratosis pilaris 2 – 3 times a day. One of our favorites is Ceravé SA.


RELATED: 5 Things NOT to do for Kids with Keratosis Pilaris



Source: American Academy of Dermatology


Posted by kpkids in Keratosis Pilaris Causes & Symptoms, Living with Keratosis Pilaris
Keeping your baby’s skin hydrated at bath time

Keeping your baby’s skin hydrated at bath time

How to Keep Your Baby's Skin Hydrated at Bath Time |

Bathing your baby is an essential (likely daily) task, and can often lead to dry skin.

Dry, irritated skin lead can potentially lead to a variety of other issues, including KP flare-ups, scaly skin and even baby pimples.

Try washing your child’s skin with a gentler, more hydrating body wash at bath time to ensure their skin stays well-moisturized and healthy.

One of our all-time favorites is Aquaphor Baby Gentle Wash & Tear-Free Shampoo.



RELATED: How this $10 Lotion has Improved my Kids’ Keratosis Pilaris

Posted by kpkids in Living with Keratosis Pilaris, Recommended Products to Treat Keratosis Pilaris
Keep Her Skin Clear | Cetaphil Cleansing Cloths

Keep Her Skin Clear | Cetaphil Cleansing Cloths

As a mother of three active children, baths are a *priority* in our home… A non-negotiable part of our nighttime routine.

My daughter is currently a preteen and she’s learning the benefits of keeping her skin clean and clear. Clear skin = happy daughter = relaxed mama. However, along with tween hormones comes skin breakouts and inevitably, flareups of her keratosis pilaris.

While her face and cheeks rarely show signs of KP, her upper arms consistently do. And managing her dry skin is a *constant* battle.

…please tell me I’m not the only one fighting this battle. grrrCetaphil Cleansing Cloths |

While searching for makeup remover wipes, we recently stumbled upon these super gentle cleansing cloths from Cetaphil. And she’s been a super happy tween ever since.

These lightweight Cetaphil wipes are ideal for lightly cleansing her delicate young skin and keeping it moisturized, not to mention keeping preteen breakouts at bay. They’re soap-free, very mild on her skin and eeeeeeasy… which is ideal for any busy tween girl.

According to my daughter, “the faster I can get this makeup off, the better.” LOL my sweet girl, me too.

>> Try out Cetaphil Cleansing Cloths and let me know what you think.


I’d love to know… What is your daughter’s go-to product for removing her makeup? Wipes, cleansers or liquid?

Keep Your Tween Daughter's Skin Clean & Clear | KPKids.netv


Posted by kpkids in Living with Keratosis Pilaris, Recommended Products to Treat Keratosis Pilaris
Sensitive Skin Care for Teens | KidSkin Frothy Facial Skin Cleanser

Sensitive Skin Care for Teens | KidSkin Frothy Facial Skin Cleanser

KidSkin Gentle Frothy Facial Skin Cleanser | KPKids.netKidSkin was recommended to us recently by a friend with a teen, tween and toddler in their home.

The teen was dealing with rosacea.

The tween had keratosis pilaris.

… and the family raved about how their kids really liked this sulfate & fragrance-free frothy cleanser from KidSkin.  Both a gentle and an oily skin formula is available.

Let us know if you’ve tried it and your thoughts!

Find it here –>

Posted by kpkids in Living with Keratosis Pilaris, Recommended Products to Treat Keratosis Pilaris